Wednesday, January 14, 2015


He was homeless, he felt alone
Many were in his shoes
Felt he didn't belong anywhere or with anyone

Braman- highest religious class in India
Have to be certain way

He had to ask questions which his dryer didn't like
He has questions that can't be answered by books or scholars
He stood still, self actualization
Paralyzed, by snake( evil, devil)
In his thinkin he is by himself
He steps out which may hurt his family and he would feel shame
Snakes he'd skin
He could become new different
Friends don't let you change, when you move past friends a new freedom is found
He is undefined 
Understands his self discovery, he moved on, not looking for some place to fit
Doubtful tone
Blender, finding the fruit that makes up the smoothie
Doesn't need to find a plae to belong

Anaphorism- I'm not, I'm not, I'm not

Symbolism- snakes, recurring moment

Extended metaphor- story within a story

Ambiguous- always questions, you can take it different ways, it doesn't say how to feel about writing

Mood is ambiguous

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